HVTechFest-2020: Call for Presenters

Yulia Ovchinnikova
2 min readJun 12, 2020


The OpenHub has been on a discovery mission seeking and highlighting stories of innovation where small businesses have embraced technology for survival and have even been able to grow.

We call those folks “Pivoteers” and have been running a webisode series where some business have shared their stories. Robert Mills, Andrea Tejedor, Rachel McIntosh, Julianne B. Ross — Kleinmann, Lawrence Gordon, Dr. Cynthia Marcello, Michael Mattone, Philip Bronzi, Shelley Tween

Many conferences have either cancelled, postponed, or themselves “pivoted” to become virtual events. Though the #HVTechFest is scheduled for late October when all of New York State is expected to be “open for business”, our planning is currently scoped to include a virtual experience.

Right now we are putting out a Call for Presenters: https://tinyurl.com/HVTechFest2020.

Submissions will be accepted through July 15 with responses to submissions by August 21.

We encourage you or someone you know who has the interest and experience in leading a talk, panel, or workshop to submit your ideas via the URL above which has more detail and instructions.

Joe Cupano, Antoni Sousa, Will Juntunen, Patrick Meaney, Tiombe Tallie Carter, ESQ.

