Straight Talk about Open Hub’s Fast Track WebDev Bootcamp

Yulia Ovchinnikova
3 min readNov 1, 2019

This is the only professional Website Development Bootcamp developed by Hudson Valley tech practitioners for adults continuing education while working.

Firstly, this Bootcamp has a schedule of one 3-hr class per week in the evening from 6–9pm. This is specifically so people can take the Bootcamp while they continue to work. Later we learned it works great for high schoolers as well due to their intense day schedule. Each course in the Bootcamp gives, on average, three hours of homework, although students can opt to put more time in at home than that with extra assignments. Bootcamp staff are always available to answer questions outside of class hours. Results vary widely depending primarily on how much time a student decides to allocate for the program outside of class. Additional factors in student achievement have proven to be whether the student has any previous exposure to programming or website building, and how comfortably a student navigates using multiple computer programs at once.

It is designed to help students to build highly efficient mobile responsive websites right there while taking WebDev I and WebDev II courses. This way they can start earning money while gaining more skills and knowledge. Our mentors are here to help you to deliver.

What we cover:

Coding skills:

Semantic website development with HTML5, CSS, responsive design, awareness of accessibility coding standards, backend-development with intro to PHP scripting language, intro to MySQL database, using a local full stack development environment, publishing website files via an FTP-client, technical website features for SEO, a tour of cPanel applications, the fundamentals of JavaScript: several basic skills in JavaScript that are the essential skill ingredients that make up all more complex problem solving tasks in JavaScript.

The courses are all project based. During the Bootcamp students build two websites and a very basic dynamic blog page that will illuminate the basic structure of all open source content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. We will also build the JavaScript functionality for an image gallery, a slideshow, and a select list version of a menu that shows only for mobile.

Marketing Intelligence Skills:

Understanding how to design for optimizing the user experience and building the user experience to converge with business goals for the website, techniques for researching how to optimize for your users and techniques for measuring your success, understanding how to optimize for ranking in Google search results, intro to how to use Google Analytics and Google Ads to measure success.

All Bootcamp instructors are real-world tech professionals, so the information is delivered with relevant professional savvy.

The Bootcamp moves very quickly through a lot of information to give students the advantage of attaining a global view of universal fundamentals. It takes time to build these skills. Students who are able to put more time in between classes, will come much closer to skill mastery than students who just focus on the material during class time. But because there is so much information to consume, we also offer that students can take any Bootcamp course a second time at no charge.

Let us know of your interest to attend it!

We are growing and hiring more mentors — let us know if you are interested to give it a try or want to teach a special course with us!

We are happy to refer tech developers and our students: create your professional profile and get discovered!

