The Value of Upskilling and Selling Yourself

Yulia Ovchinnikova
3 min readMay 11, 2021


or… The Value of Upskilling and Selling Yourself. Note: Data Analytics is on fire!

A February 2020 McKinsey study Beyond hiring: How companies are reskilling to address talent gaps asked executives where the greatest need for retraining the workforce exists. As shown in the figure below, at the top of the list for executives were #data analytics skills at 43% — nearly double the responses of any other skillset.

Isn’t it time to retrain existing employees and help them understand how new technologies apply in their respective organizations? If you don’t — it’s time to consider the new blood coming. Grow or Die is the new mantra using a “#DataDriven “must have” approach.

What Skills Do I Need? What Career Path Can I Choose?

The value of continued learning grows as technology and automation change the workforce and the skills on demand. For those who curious here are details on the importance of upskilling and reskilling, which emphasizes the value of soft skills. Feel free to dig deeper for #data using this MarketScale report from 09/2020.

McKinsey also found that when looking at the specific skills with the greatest mismatch between current supply and what will be necessary in the next five years, respondents most often identified advanced data-analysis skills.

This data closely mirrors the World Economic Forum’s finding that a large cluster of future workforce jobs will fall under a “data and AI” skills cluster.

This data closely mirrors the World Economic Forum’s finding that a large cluster of future workforce jobs will fall under a “data and AI” skills cluster.

World Economic Forum’s uncovers that a large cluster of future workforce jobs will fall under a “data and AI” skills cluster.

Regardless of geography or sector, the upskilling and reskilling imperative — accelerated by COVID-19 — is driving growing demand for shorter, non-degree based learning for working professionals.

In response, employees — on their own and with the support of their employers — are increasingly turning to short courses as an effective way to stay relevant and navigate this fast changing landscape while developing critical new leadership competencies and skills.

Here is what we learned from running the first ever Data Analytics bootcamp in the Hudson Valley, NY:

  1. Business Context Matters! What Customer really wants to know?
  2. Visualization is the skill, that has to be developed on top of Data Analytics skills. Show the distribution of the data — what are the next guess do you want to test?
  3. You have to understand the business problem to be able to provide right answers.
  4. Use exploratory data analysis to better understand the dataset.
  5. Transform values in a dataset to meaningful features for analysis first.
  6. Apply Feature Engineering!
  7. Save your (and your company!) time and money to efficiently perform repetitive tasks. Competitive Advantage!
  8. Detect and remove (shall you?) outliers.
  9. Create a linear regression model to predict product prices
  10. Use SQL to filter a dataset for further analysis.

Interested to explore the internal business competition> Watch it on YouTube!

Interested to learn more? Check the Data Analytics bootcamp with OpenHub.

Ready to join and explore Data Analytics Course III learning Python and trending #MachineLearning Algorithms for Data Analytics? Join us May 12, 2021 here


Skills gap — Data Analytics

The figure below, taken from a 2019 KPMG CIO survey shows that data and analytics skills remain in chronic shortage. Likewise, a Teradata survey found that 50% of business decision makers face a data skills gap and are calling for more training in data and analytics.

Are you joining us?

